One of my models in the Bible is Joseph, who was betrayed by his brothers, but became later the one who saved them. He is an inspiring figure for me,
This morning, I’d like to share with you an episode of his life, which could correspond to a situation you are actually living. In Genesis 40, while he was in the prison where Pharaoh’s prisoners were put, he met one day the cupbearer and the baker of Pharaoh. Those two men had each of them a dream, and nobody could explain it to them, because they wanted to have an interpretation. Joseph, seeing them sad, asked them why, and they explained to him the reason. Then, Joseph will say to them, in Genesis 40:8:” Do not interpretations belong to God? Tell me your dreams.” This simple sentence is deep of meaning.
It is important to explain what happened before to understand the depth of this sentence. Indeed, Joseph was betrayed by his brothers, unfairly sent to prison, and we don’t know since how long he was in this prison before this conversation with those two men. He sould have been bitter, angry, and nasty with people after such events, but he was kind and generous, ready to help. He should have forsaken God and lost faith, but he continued to believe in God and to practice his faith. He should have stopped to even think about dreams, because it are his dreams who put him in this situation, but he was explaining dreams to to others. In one word, resilience was a particular character of Joseph.
As Christians, we all face the same situations in life, but it is our reaction before every situation that makes the difference. Joseph shows us that whatever happens, we should be resilient, we should be able to continue the race with God, which is not always easy.
At this time of your life, it is possible that you stopped to serve God, you stopped to pursue the vision of God for your life, you stopped to pray, you stopped to meditate the Word of God. But consider Joseph, he did not stop, and later, he was blessed. The things that stops us to be resilient are bitterness and unforgiveness. But when we decide to let go those feelings, we are free and we find again the strength to go forward.
The Lord did not promise we will not have tribulations, but He promised He will always be with us. We will not always understand why, but He will confort us and fortify us. Therefore, whatever be the pains you have in your heart, accept to forgive, accept to let go bitterness. You will be free and you will find the strength to walk again with God, And the blessing of the Lord will follow you after. See the end of Joseph’s story. And what could be the end of your story if only you decide to let go today? With God, there is never maybe. When we believe in Him, our faith story is always glorious. You will be the next, if only you decide to believe in Him, if only you decide to be resilient from today.
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