During the opening ceremony of the Paris Olympics, many Christians were shocked to see the way Christianity was mocked. Indeed, everyone could see how from the first scene there has been a hypersexualized representation of this famous painting of Leonardo Da Vinci, “The Last Supper”. Facing a backlash from this representation, the organizers first said they had no idea that it represented this painting, but later will recognize that they simply wanted to include everyone by doing a representation of The Last Supper. Strangely, this representation was achieved by mocking Chrisitanity. None other religion was depicted during this opening ceremony, it was strangely Christianity only. Why? Because the devil hates God, he hates Christ and His followers, and he is doing anything he can to destroy Christianity. Moreover, the second representation of Christanity was observed through the riding of a knight on a pale horse, refering to the knight of Revelation 6:1-2, talking about the knight called Death. Strangely, a focus was made on Christianity during this event. The reason is simple: the devil is pushing an agenda, and many, millions of people, are unfortunately being deceived. 

But beyond this event, there are some important lessons to retain from what happened. The first lesson is that the devil is openly showing that he wants to promote more actively his agenda. Indeed, what happened during this opening ceremony never happened before any other Olympics. It was the first time to see such a mockery of Christanity at this level. However, some of those people involved in the organization of such events are innocent, because they don’t know what they are doing. They don’t realize that there are evil forces working thorugh them, and they are used like puppets. But in those events, there are also people who know very precisely what they are doing, and they enjoy to blaspheme the name of God. But God won’t be mocked. That is why I can predict that there will be a retribution toward those who did such things, because after some people mocked God in Brazil 2 or 3 years ago, the country faced terrible catastrophes. After what happened during those Olympics, there will be consequences. But the devil will not be stopped, whatever happens, because his ministry is to kill, to steal and to destroy, and as long as consequences follow his agenda, he is happy. But God will win at the end, because his judgment was already pronounced. 

The second lesson of what happened is that there will be more in the future. We saw such things in Brazil at a similar level, we saw at those Olympics something similar happening, and it will continue in the future. It means that the agenda of the devil is now to blapsheme more and more the name of Jesus in those last days. There will be more and more events like this opening ceremony blaspheming the name of God, and it will be even more blasphemous through time, because the closer we are to the return of Christ, the more blasphemous the devil will be. And he does it because he wants to bring the maximum of people with him in hell. 

The third lesson of such an event is that Christians are definitely more and more targeted, which means that with the increase of blasphemous actions all around the world, there will be also an increase of hatred and anger toward Christians. Indeed, by blaspheming the name of God, the devil wants at the same time to spread a spirit of blasphemy in the heart of millions of people around the world, so that the name of Christ be blasphemed more and more. It will then increase a feeling of hatred toward Christians, and also an increasing persecution. For this reason, as believers, we have to stand firm in our convictions, and resisting to the devil by preserving our faith and our intimacy with the Lord, but also by encouraging each of us daily until the return of the Lord. Christ is our strength. 

The fourth lesson of what happened is that the Bible is true, because it had been already prophesied. The Bible warned us of what men would do in the last days, and it is what we see today. Indeed, in 2 Timothy 3:1-5, the Bible tells us clearly that  in the last days men will come difficult times, and it is what we see today. With the multiple debates around homosexuality and genders, the Bible is constantly targeted, and those who simply declare and believe what the Bible are considered as extremists and bigots. In those last days, men have a problem with Jesus, because they are manipulated by demons.

My encouragement to each of you who will read this post is simply to continue to keep faith in God. Take time to pray every day in His presence, take time to meditate His Word every day, seek a life of sanctification, spend time with brothers and sisters in Christ who really fear God, announce thr gospel to unbelievers, and pursue the plan of God for your life. Therefore, don’t give up, be more and more passionate of Christ, because He is coming back soon! 

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Grow in Christ, and Achieve His Plan for your Life! 


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